New Person's Guide To Creepypastas

Introduction To Creepypastas

Are you bored? Do your friends (kefka) laugh at your godawful creepypastas? Do you ever think "oh god i need to make a story"? Fear no more, for I have a guide to guide you through creepypastas. The creepypasta wiki can be a very big place, filled to the brim with spooky stories. With the guide, you can be 2spooky6me in no time! Allonsy!


Lets start with the plot, the bones of the creepypasta. You can either do this 3 ways.
1. Nostalgia Addiction
2. Spooky clown killer guy thing
3. Lost Episode
All of these are completely original ideas that have never been done before! The people in the wiki will absolutely love your new creative ideas! We're gonna tackle these plots one at a time, so bare with me,

Nostalgia Addiction Plot

In order to do this plot, your character needs a huge amount of love for any game, whether or not it is Bubsy, Mario,or Sanic. You need to have a ton of love for a video game franchise so much that you scream about it whenever it is mentioned. However, there is a catch. You need to have not owned the game in your entire life, or you will be such a loser!
Anyway, after finding out you don't have the game, you need to go to a flea market or Ebay. There are advantages to both of them. Flea markets can give you more spoopy feelings, and Ebay can give you spoopy feelings ONLINE.
The seller of the game must be giving the game for free. Money is worthless in creepypasta-land, and giving things for free is the way of the future.
Once you get your game, you run home as fast as you can. You need to explain every detail of running home, so that the audience will be waiting for you to play your game. When you do manage to play the game, you need to have satan, 666, and hyper realistic bloody skeletons everywhere that the graphics of your console can't handle. Your character needs to cry out of their bloody bloodshot eyes bleeding blood covered in blood. Your character, despite being spooked out, needs to continue going because he needs to have nostalgia take up 99% of his brain.
Once your character ends the game, he needs to be either spooked out so much that he wants to kill himself, or he needs a plushy of his video game character look at him for the rest of his life.

Spooky clown killer guy thing plot

But what if you don't have a favorite video game? Fear not, for you can pull off the Spooky clown killer guy thing plot!!!!1!!!! It is trickyier to do this plot, so hang in there.
This plot requires you to be a female character. This character needs to be anti-social and always gets rekt at school. All of a sudden without reason, your character needs to meet and befriend a spooky psycho killer. This guy NEEDS to fall in love with your female character. (p.s. the guy's name needs to start with a j)
Once the killer is in love, he needs to be out of luck, and needs to come against police. He can either:
A. Be caught
B. Be supernatural and fly away.
If you chose B, then your character needs to cry about his leaving. If you chose A, your character needs to shoot herself in the mouth.

Lost Episode

If you have a favorite TV show, then this is for you. If you decide to go this route, then you need to take your tv show and make it into a lost episode. For starters, have everybody in the show be all depressed. Have at least 2 characters dead and one turned into a psychopath.
Have the main character walk home and be all sad and stuff. Next, he needs to rip off pieces of his own flesh and he needs to eat them until he dies.
Have the other characters be so sad that they do the same thing, except for the psycho.
For the psycho, have him eat the corpses of his friends. Then have him burn a pentagram onto his armpit and have him begin crying. Lastly, put up evidence of the lost episode on the wiki the show is on. (cartoon network, adult swim, etc.)


With this guide, you will be creating creepypastas like a professional!
But wait, did i say earlier the plot was the bones of the creepypasta?
oh no
it cant be
this page is a...
SPOOOOOOOOKY SKELETON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

= . =